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Thread: I miss China
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[quote=CHYNAGYRL,227598]I miss China so much. What should I do? When I first met him, I fell in love with his words, his style, his mind so shaped by history, philosophy, and passions. When I came back to Canada, i thought i would soon be reunited with him -- to explore and understand all his words and facets at leisure. But now I have a job, a house, family and friends wanting me to stay. I still think about China often. It's not easy being in a long-distance relationship with a country though. He is quite selfish. I think of him but does he even remember me?? :-( Even though I love him, as time goes by, I feel like I am thinking of an imaginary friend. Everything conspires to keep me here, away from him. But I promise to see him again! One day -- not long from now I hope. :-)[/quote]
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