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Thread: Booking China domestic transportation
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[quote=SKIBUM80488,227873]We are two couples hoping to save some money by waiting until we reach Beijing to purchase other transportation like: (1) an overnight, soft-sleeper train from Beijing to Xian, (2) an overnight, soft-sleeper train from Xian to Chongqing, (3) a Yangtze cruise from Chongqing to Wuhan and (4) a plane from Wuhan to Shanghai. In particular, the flight to Shanghai is on Saturday afternoon, April 28 which seems to be just at the start of a "Golden Week". Is April 28 a problem traveling in China and will tickets still be available if I wait until April 18 to book them in Beijing? Also, we are thinking of Regal China cruise line largely because it seems nice, goes on our dates and goes all the way to Wuhan. Will we be OK waiting until April 18 to book a cruise in Beijing or should we book earlier on the internet or should we wait until we get to Chongqing and try to book the day of the cruise? Any advice would be appreciated. [/quote]
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