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Thread: One of my skype buddy asks me to teach him Chinese. Need some opinions, pls.
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[quote=SMILINGFISH,53041]Hi! I'm a Chinese girl and now this skype buddy who's a Canadian and planning on coming to China in 2009, asks me to teach him some Chinese. There's gonna be a total sun eclipse here and he's a big fan of astronomy stuff. Besides, he wants to stay in China for sevral months, so sounds like he really needs to know a little bit Chinese. That's great for me too cus I want to practice my English. But still, I'm a little bit nervous about that cus my English is not good enough to explain everything to him if I'm voice chatting. ( Good at writing poor at speaking, and when u r teaching Chinese u have to speak) So I guess I need to do some preparation in advance, so that I can tell him everything fluently, and really help. I googled "learn Chinese" and found this website. Great! Guess most of you have already been to China before, so I was wondering maybe you know what are the most important things in Chinese language that a traveller need to learn first(he'll be staying here for months, but I don't think he wants to be a Chinese language expert. lol so just skip those useless stuff and simply teach him the most useful ones) Ok let me put it this way: When u r in China, what do( did) you need to ask Chinese people very often? And what Chinese characters do you think are the most important? like "excuse me where can I find the men's room" and the sign of men's room(most of such places do have English signs but just in case some may not have). Well that's what I can come up with. lol And what else? BTW, don't you think we Chinese from different area speak totally different "Chinese". Even when we all are speaking Madarine, the official way of pronunciation, still, people pronounce in different ways. Till now I still can't understand my mother-in-law's "Madarine". How do you cope with that? lol rofl Oh, oh, and here's a little tip when u r traveling in China and you can speak and understand a little bit Chinese, if you want to ask some Chinese for help, go to those young people. Many seniors can't speak standard madarine, they usually speak in a very heavy local accent, sometimes I get puzzled too, let alone u r a foreigner(not all of them, but young people are much better). Ok, I'm looking forward to your great opinions. We'll start our "Chinese course" this weekend so it's kinda urgent. Thanks a lot in advance.[/quote]
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