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Thread: <Chinese Learning> Introduce your relatives
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[quote=MAY001,229694]Big family is Chinese tradition. It's quite confusing for many Chinese learners because there are many different appellations. Now I'd like to expalin: 父母(Fu 4 Mu 3) /爸妈(Ba 4 Ma 1)= Parents 父 means Father, 母 means Mother. 爸 means Dad, 妈 means Mum. So 父母 is more formal and 爸妈 is quite informal. When introducing our parents formally, we can say 他们是我的父母(Ta 1 Men 1 Shi 4 Wo 3 De 1 Fu 4 Mu 3) =They are my parents. 他们 means They, 是 means Is/Are/Am, 我的 means My. If it's just an informal introduction, we may say 这是我爸妈(Zhe 4 Shi 4 Wo 3 Ba 4 Ma 1)=This is my dad and mum.这是 means This is, and 我 should be 我的 here, but 的 is omitted. [/quote]
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