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Thread: Bound feet--prerequisite for landing a husband
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[quote=ICEBLUE,253221]"A woman with very small feet was considered a very desirable wife." said my great grandma. About 100 years ago, Chinese women were required to bind their feet. The worst thing is not their feet that had to be bound, but their mind was also bound. Although the number of women with bound feet have dwindled to extinction, the painful episode for women was remembered by the history. Bound feet were considered a prerequisite for landing a husband. Custom held, no available man. This is a weird custom. Past has passed. " Bound feet" has become "historical artifacts". Today, not only the feet are unbound, but the mind are freed. Wiithout the tottering atop tiny, pointed feet, women move forward faster in this new era. Women are playing an important role in all aspects of social life. Bound feet has been a past. The reason why I post this thread is to draw people's attention on this issue and reflect on the past. Did any other countries' women also have bound feet? What do you think of Bound Feet?[/quote]
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