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Thread: France promotes Women’s Football with naked women
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[quote=BLUESKY001,372631]The Fédération Française de Football launched a new campaign with naked women aiming to promote women’s football that’s neglected by the French media and football fans. The advertising pink card highlights the naked pictures of members of the French Women’s National Football Team. The slogan on the nude pictures is "Do you want us to do (off), and you only look at you ? “( " Should we be naked for people to come see our matches?”). "In France, most of the time football is seen as a male sport, women's soccer is not a long-term concern of the media and the public." The coach of the French Women’s Football Team is smart. Being naked do generate the public’s interest. Ouch, it is also sad to see that women’s football had to use nude pictures to attract football fans.[/quote]
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