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Thread: Red Earth in Dongchuan
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[quote=TIGERLILY2012,470613]"The Red Land (Red Earth) in Dongchuan. With its center in Huashitou Village, the red land in Dongchuan is over 100 square kilometers, where boundless rolling hills are gorgeous and splendid." I intend to visit the Red Earth with two friends on our own. 1) When is the best time to go, just before the peak period? 2) How do I get there by public transport? 3) Which is the nearest airport? 4) Or can anyone recommend me a 4-wheel driver (without a tour guide) who charges a reasonable daily rate? 5) Since I had covered Lijang, Dali & Kunming, can anyone recommend other less touristy scenic places that I can add to my Red Earth trip? [/quote]
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