
Baotou Travel Reviews

Feb 20, 2013 10:49

The western coffee culture has hit China and since 2006, Independent and Chain Franchise Coffee Houses have been popping up all over the country which has also attracted the American Starbucks and the British Costa franchise investments. I'm a espresso coffee lover, a trained barista instructor ... Details

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Jan 9, 2006 09:01

I live in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, a city with over 2.5 million people, yet I feel like I inhabit a small town! Sounds odd, but thats the feeling I get here. For one, it's built on the far-reaches of a desert, so few buildings are over 7 stories high. With no high-rises like other Chinese cities, ... Details

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Oct 9, 2005 00:10

I live in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, a city with over 2.5 million people, yet I feel like I inhabit a small town! Sounds odd, but thats the feeling I get here. For one, it's built on the far-reaches of a desert, so no buildings can be over 7 stories high. With no high-rises like other Chinese cities, ... Details

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