
Shanghai Travel Reviews

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Dec 27, 2007 01:44

My experience in Shanghai has worsened over the years – this trip being THE WORST. First of all, people are extremely rude. It is ironic that when I left Pudong Airport, there were big billboards indicating the friendliness of Shanghai city and people. “Shanghai Welcome You” and ... Details

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Nov 6, 2007 06:00

I live in SE Asia, but originally form the UK.
I was used to seeing poverty, but for many visitors it may come as a very sharp shock to see the poverty of the older tenements beside newer, sleek apartments.
Much of the older buildings not yet pulled down have large posters to "curtain" ... Details

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Jul 1, 2007 06:07

Every city has a key word in itself. Some are“classic”, some are“mordern”,others are “warm” and “peaceful”,which magically clears up all the annoying thoughts.While Shanghai impressed me by its interculture image.I love this city tremendously because it ... Details

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Jun 15, 2007 04:06

1. That famous Xiao Long Bao restaurant in Yuyuan is a rip-off. For 50 yuan (minimum of 25 yuan per person) you are served a medley of 8 items mostly deep fried carbohydrates plus cup soup and bite-site fruit in season. Certainly, the only thing I can say about it, they have invested heavily in public ... Details

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Mar 29, 2007 00:03

Expectations are a tricky thing: equally capable of being a barrier between or the impetus towards experience. I realised this when, after over 18 months in China, I finally decided to visit Shanghai. Why had it taken me so long to visit a city that is not only famous in China, but has a place in worldwide ... Details

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Dec 13, 2006 16:12

I was born and grew up in Tianjin until I was 14, then came to Australia and lived here for almost 11 years. I appreciate some aspects of living in a western country but I still love my motherland China.
I went to Shanghai for the first time in Oct this year, I thought people would more civilised ... Details

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Oct 31, 2006 23:10

I was in Xiang Yang Market , Shanghai in the last days before the place was closed down by the authorities at the end of June 2006. A haven of fake goods sold to the locals and foreigners. You name it, they got it. Hundreds of stalls line the place and you can hear the din of traders doing a roaring ... Details

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Oct 31, 2006 01:10

Being an avid country hopper, I’ve been here, there and a bit of everywhere. Mainly to countries in Europe and Asia if I’m honest, but nevertheless I like to think I’ve seen a fair chunk of what this wonderful planet has amidst its expanse. This brief introduction in mind, I hope to ... Details

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Oct 6, 2006 19:10

Ok, so after years of trying we finally made it to Shanghai, yes 4 years after arriving here...finally...Nanjing Lu and ..
"Hello, wanna buy a watch?"
It was golden week after all. I have to say, personally I could easily live ... Details

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Aug 15, 2006 08:08

You’d be quite mistaken to assume that Shanghai’s Renmin Square, otherwise known as the People’s Park, is just your average strolling area for city slickers. Often compared with New York’s Central Park, this thirty acres of luxurious, verdant grass, lotus ponds, flower beds and ... Details

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