919 Bus to Badaling Great Wall

Written by Ms. KOH Jan 2, 2010 11:06
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My second time to badaling and indeed another refreshing experience. However, do take note of scam rides. Bus 919(route 1 never exist)! Went to Desheng Men bus station to take 919. The taxi driver has warned me of illegal scam rides to badaling and just to take 919. The moment i came out of the cab, a few man carrying red flags quickly directed me to the 919(route2) queue and said to go to badaling to queue wait here for bus 919(route1). While waiting in the queue, the helpful man asked me to take private cars as the 919(route 1)-2hrs ride and needs at least 40 person for the bus to move and cost RMB90 each. i told him i have ample of time and dont mind waiting. One after another came to persuade but i insist on waiting for the public bus. The queue grew but more man start pulling pple away, so i questioned the guys that the bus will never move if they are touting travellers away. They werent happy and left went on talking to pple behind me. AFter 45mins of waiting, i grew suspicious. My friend waited in queue while i went to get a bottle of water and some bread. So i asked the stall owner if the queue to Badaling was as indicated, he couldnt say must but merely tweaked his eyes and to go opposite. With my friend, we went opposite and found a 919 bus(no passengers as yet), and ask the conductor if the bus goes to badaling and if there was an xpress one, she said No, and the 919 bus is the only one to badaling. But she advise me to take the tout ones instead. i told her no, i only wanna take the public bus. She unrecluctantly told me to get onboard. The bus fare was only RMB12 and takes an hour and half to reach badaling. i asked the conductor why she didnt stop the scam group, there is at least 20 men help and directing pple to the queue that never exist, she said even authorities cant control, she cant do a thing!! The 919(route 1) queue was all scam and never exists. i wasted 45mins waiting.

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