Leshan and surrounding cites

Written by Jun 13, 2004 15:06
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Meishan,Emeishan,Mt Emei,Xin Wei,Chengdu

In April 2004, my destination was mainly Leshan, Sichuan Province, but also had the opportunity to also visit Emeishan, Mt Emei,Meishan, Chengdu and Xin Wei.
The area is rich in Buddhist culture and history, but other notable features are the Bamboo Museum out of Meishan, the Museum to the famous three poets(for over 1000 years their writings have survived and are still revered), the spectacular Mt Emei with its exquisite temples, geography, flora and fauna,the hot springs of Emeishan, the large rivers of Leshan and the Grand Buddha and surrounds at Leshan and the Confuscious Temple at Xin Wei(1.5 hours up river from Leshan).
Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province and is a thriving, large city. Leshan and Meishan are also cities in their own rights, although Leshan is more established and has more facilities, easly accessible for foreigners than Meishan. Emeishan and Xin Wei are smaller towns set in the rural surrounds of the larger cities, but probably offer a greater sense of unique China of the past than many cities.
Leshan- what a wonderful, interesting city set at the feet of the Giant Buddha(largest Buddha statue in the world) carved into the river cliffs overlooking the three rivers on which the Leshan City has arisen. The Grand Buddha temples and landscaped grounds are a wonderful half day adventure, and include the caves, pergodas, carvings and interpretative centre at the site. A river cruise is an alternative way to view the enormous carving.
Leshan city is a blend of very modern and very old, with remnants of old fortifications blending into newly landscaped streetscapes and river walks and public spaces with high quality art works and plantings. The newly established and soon to be established public river edge areas are bringing the city alive. Restaurants and eateries abound and are reasonably priced. Several good coffee cafes exist, but if you like your coffee you'll have to ferret these out. The Cutie Bar near the Jin Hai Tang Hotel at Leshan is one good western coffee place. Restaurants on the river are a great treat and the cuisine of Leshan upholds the proud tradition of the Sichuan kitchen-but as a foreigner and non Mandarin speaker, you will need an interpreter to really appreciate the range of food dishes available as well as the techniques and nuiances of the food preparation-all of which are fascinating and well worth exploring. Minature sea slug, deep fried wasps, duck tongue and peeled chicken feet are just a few of endless dishes that this westener had only ever heard of or never even imagined were edible, yet alone delicious!
The shopping is also a blend of old and new and to a westerner both are equally of interest-China must be a leader in fashion expression! Shop after shop displaying the latest western style women's and men's clothing, but without the crowds and bustle of the big east coast cities of China.

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