Shenyang Queen Palace performance

Written by Jan 12, 2010 00:16
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It's my first time to shenyang

shenyang queen palace

Imperial Palace in Shenyang is the former imperial palace of the early Qing Dynasty. Shenyang was the original capital of the Manchu state, the northeastern power that defeated the Ming dynasty in 1644. Construction of the palace began in 1625 under the Emperor Nurhaci, the first ruler of the Manchu state. The Manchu emperor Huang Taiji made further additions to the palace in 1636. When the Ming dynasty fell in 1644, the Manchu moved their capital to Beijing, and the Forbidden City became the seat of power of the Qing emperors. The Shenyang palace became a regional residence for the emperors: a number of Qing rulers stayed there for some portion of the year.

  The Shenyang Imperial Palace is built in a similar style to the Forbidden City, although architecturally it has elements of Tibetan, Han and Manchu styles. The palace is now a museum, where antique furniture, musical instruments, paintings and weaponry are displayed. Pavilions, towers, halls and living quarters for the emperors and their concubines surround Chongzheng Dian, and include the Phoenix Tower and the Palace of Celestial Peace.

Acter in shenyang queen palace

shenyang queen palace

The introduce from goverment about the Imperial Palace is no match as the name as. This is a living place only for queen and princess.So only one man can enter the door in qing dynasty.

I am lucky man!!
It's my first time to shenyang and luck to see a performce here.I sew many young girl act like queen and waiting.

If you want shopping here.I think you can choose local handicraft around the palace.

shopping street in shenyang:
Traders Shopping Centre - International brand name shops for that have-to-have luxury item or gift meant to impress.

Northern Book Town - If you need to pick up a good book, some music or even a map then take a browse around this shop, situated next to the North Tower, south of the city.

Taiyuan Jie - The major shopping area of this city where anything from designer boutiques to street stalls and markets are to be found.

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2. cheap and nice city *** JUNO221 from CN Sep 20, 2006 04:09
3. Ages Gone By in Shenyang MISHEN from NZ Jan 7, 2006 22:01
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