Discover China

Written by May 26, 2011 23:41
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Its my passion to travel around the world. Most of my colligue managed to developed a great job and high position in their career. Some have a superb car and huge house. I chose to be a Great Traveller!

After a couples of years explored Asian countries, this is the right time for me to discover China, yes Discover!

Its because this region need more than a month to complete, so I must make a wise decision. beijing or any better tourist spot? No No, I always choose different, so its comes to Tianjin, city for industry and port business. Many of my chi friends says there's nothing in Tianjin. izzit?

Well to all my dear Tianjin friends,lets prove it is wrong and lets show them what u have!

For now, I want to make some discover on Musimor(Moslem) society in Tianjin where I founds there's lots of Mosques existing in several streets. Secondly to find a good place to sleep near by area. And not less important a delicious, cheap and clean food place.hehe


 More Tianjin Travel Reviews
1. A Side Trip to Tianjin from Beijing BAKUI from China Mar 10, 2011 02:43
2. Shopping in Tianjin SONIA Mar 6, 2010 03:23
3. A one-day-tour of Tianjin LEE from Malaysia Jan 30, 2010 03:02
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