Xiqiao Mountain Park

Written by Mr. HOL Mar 13, 2010 10:07
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Xiqiao Mountain National Forest Park is an amazing place. Take the bus from Foshan to Nanhai, after a 1 hour ride you will arrive at the foot of the National Park. Ask a motor guy to guide you a whole day (50 yuan will do) through the highlites of the national park: The enourmous buddha, caves, peach garden, bamboo garden, traditional dragon show, etc.

It is really an amazing place. Foshan is not a place with many tourists, you will experience an alone at the world feeling in one of the most beautiful environments I have seen in the Guandong province. Just go there, it will definetely amaze you. If you are not in a rush, take at least 2 days for this beautiful place, at the bottom you can find a hostel. If you cannot find it, just ask a local with body language, people there are nice and kind enough to help you. 

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