Gardens or shopping - they decide

Written by Mrs. MORRISON May 10, 2012 05:47
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We caught the fast train to Suzhou and after negotiating the touts at the gate, picked a sweet looking man who was supported by an English speaking woman in a 'pink' booth. We paid to see gardens, 5 gardens, and hopped on a bus ready to explore the delights of the garden city as it said in the guide books, as our Chinese friends in Melbourne had told us. Wow we were disappointed, shops, shops, shops,
We did not come to China or Suzhou to shop or sit on a bus while we waited for other people to shop, we paid to see gardens.
SO we saw two gardens and five shops and then to ruin the day completely, dumped us the other side of the river and waved their hand in the direction of the train station, a 2km jog. We are devastated.

 More Suzhou Travel Reviews
1. Wonderful City JASON from Australia Sep 20, 2010 23:50
2. Computer Repairs in SuZhou City China By R.P.BenDedek BENDEDEK from USA Mar 26, 2010 01:05
3. Unusualness of Suzhou JAMESWONG from China Feb 7, 2010 03:21
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