terrible time in dunhuang

Written by Mr. CASSANO Aug 11, 2012 06:02
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If you are planning to go to the sites at Dunhuang, I would skip it. Mogao has changed the way to see the paintings/caves. Now they open 15 caves (out of some 400) and everyone can only see those. Long lines are the least of the problems. While I saw some North/South Dynasty caves 3 years ago, this time only reconstructed Tang and Song were open. At 180 Rmb, it was a wasted half day. Very dissapointing.

More, the road to YaDan (the great stone mesas) is now charging 40rmb/person to continue down the road. A charge to pass a single segment of the Great Wall (I passed many on my way here for free). This road is the only way there by bus or car. It is simply a toll.

It is August 2012,and the hotels are crazy expensive. I got the cheapest hotel available, a 3 star hotel, 300 rmb online booking at a discount, and the room smells, it is dirty, and while you could drink the water, I won't and I've been living in China for six years. Furniture is broken, electricity has gone out twice in 48 hours, the water stopped once in the AM and once when I wanted a shower in the late afternoon. Oh, the last guestleft me some food.

I don't have an axe to grind. I wish someone told me before I spent these days here.

Tell others and Dunhuang may change.


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Comments (1)


Oct 24, 2013 22:16 Reply

Mr.JESSE from USA said:

Hey lady. looks like you complain about everything or you had a bad luck. Best time of my life was in Dunhuang. Period! If you go with chip hotels don’t complain! All the surroundings have absolutely historical and tourist value to see. Nothing in the world like there. Period! Have seen the show? If you visit Dunhuang DO GO to the show in local theater! Ammmmazing show and legends about this place.
This is my #1 place in the world! Period!
Jesse the Globetrotter.

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