Will Shandong Airlines refund damage by canceling flights

Written by Mr. CEULENAERE Dec 7, 2014 20:50
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Never fly with Shandong Airlines !! Why ?  Several times we had experience of canceling flight between 90 and 120 minutes before boarding. Reason : weather condition. Pure cheating as all other companies did not have any cancelation. It is pure cheating their members for not full booked airplanes, especially in the evening. Worse they offer bad hotel room "to share!!" to overnight and no transport accommodation to airport. A PURE SCANDAL to be known ! The more you need to pay a longer car parking ticket and take half a day holiday when, as us, needed to fly on monday morning. So keep in mind how you are treated and believe the opposite of the CEO comment on their website ! It is time to make an end that Chinese and foreigners are treated as stupids by cheating companies, as Shandong Airlines

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