Guangzhou Travel (Business with Pleasure)

Written by Dec 12, 2005 07:12
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My name is Joe. I was visiting Guangzhou along with my friend for the first time and this is my experience.

WE actually agreed with my friend to visit Guangzhou for pleasure to explore this beautiful city - for business- to buy some things cheap like ready to wear and leather bags. Amazingly cheap cheap especially if you buy them in many many...

People in that city are fashion trendy like "wear the stye you like" and nobody cares. Chinese people are industrious and business minded. Contrary, they speak only little English and its hard to communicate with them. We always get lost on taxi because the driver dont speak, read english. we always bring with us a card of our hotel to show and to locate back to our hotel.

Their food is exotic i see they are eating exotic animals like the snake, turtle, rabbit, wild duck, cats, etc, i thought it was a pet shop but u point it out and they will cook it for you - but I never tried!

Their day life is busy - i tried to experience their night life. We went to a bar or disco. We paid 300 RMB (yuan) for the entrance and everything they served us beer unlimited order drink till you drop to the floor! Loud music It was crazy and fun!
We met some new chinese friends that they can speak little little english and we establish friendship with them. Soon, they become our guide and translator whenever we go shopping and places to buy goods in bulks - in many many - cheaper by the dozen!

Totally, the City Guangzhou is very beautiful and ultra modern city and i am looking forward to going back to visit that place and to our nice friends that we met.

After ten days in Guangzhou we took a train for Hongkong (approx. 3 hours train trip to Hongkong) and we had also a good time touring over the beautiful and magnificient towering hongkong. We stayed hongkong for another 7 fun and hectic days.

Joe Nunez

 More Guangzhou Travel Reviews
1. Guangzhou City (My First visit to China) GIREESHAKS from AE Nov 18, 2005 06:11
2. <A>America, Nevermind the Camel! BLUEBERRY Oct 2, 2005 13:10
3. <A> Guangzhou Spring Festival Interlude RUTHANDERSON from CA Jul 31, 2005 23:07
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