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Kaili's Miao's and Mountains
By JABAROOTOO | 3/23/2006 6:47:17 AM
For more on Kaili and surrounding areas please read my TRAVEL REVIEWS
Arresting Kaili Mountains of the Miao Majority Xijiang's Miao Majority Lost in Lengde Glimpses of Guizhou
3 major minority folk festivals during May holiday kaili guizhou
By LOUISA | 4/20/2004 12:21:48 PM
Bullfight festival & lusheng festival & miao sister's meal festival these three minority folk festival will be held during the May 1st holiday and take place on Kaili guizhou where is rich minority culture.the place where suraround moutains and rivers ,the village located hillside. as all we know during the May 1st holiday everywhere in china will be crowed.if you want to avoid rush period and see something really especail i think go to villages around the kaili is the wise discion you made. BULLFIGHT FESTIVAL the bull play a important part in miao culture,they still worship the bull. bullfights are both popular and customary in miao regions.unlike the bullfight in spain in which a man fights a bull,in miao version it is two bulls which fight each other.the bull lower their heads and begin butting each other,more often or not ,neither bull will give in.resulting in stalemate.,when the bulls' heads bleed from the wounds inflicted in fight,each said sends ten young man to separate the them the bulls are pulled away from the each other to avoid more injuries,a stalemate is judged a draw,the said whose bull falls or runs away from the arena is the loser. Miao sister's meal festival we also named " chinese lover" festival because it's time for miao youngers looking for their marrige,very interesting you can not miss it. festinval is for fun and miao main function is for young prople to meet each other and find marriage.this festival will last 5 days provide the opportunity to travel around,socialize,meet friends and kinsfolk and be entertained by singing and playing lusheng pipe and dancing,cockfighting and horse racing,a market is frequently set up during thses events that allows villagers to buy much needed goods. i am the local miao here.if you are interested in visit you are welcome to mail me chinese_miaogirl@yahoo.com
miao sister's meal festival
By LOUISA | 4/1/2004 5:12:44 PM
miao sister's meal festival is a major festival for a local miao in TaiJiang miao town located at south west china kaili guizhou province. it is easy and interesting to visit for the girls spectacular.it is probably specifil to KaiLi of GuiZhou.a few day before the festival.girls flock to the mountains to collect wild flowers and berries to day the glutinous rice known"SISTER RICE".each girl prepare her rice with asymbol inside and then wraps it in a handherchief.young people from several villages gather together.the girls beautifully dressed in their embrolder costumes.everyone chats and the seach for marriage.parteners.commences.towards everning the newly formed couples.break away and begin to songing together.the girls give their sister rice to the boys who get an indication of the girls true feelings from the symbols within.a pair of the red chopsticks means she has accepted his hand in marriage,one chopsticks his love may not be retured.a garlic or chilli,the boy must look eleswhere.pine heedls indicate that the boy should persend silks and colourful threads and that she will wait for him. the next day there are bullflight birdflight cockflight horse ricing and lusheng dance ect! this festival always take place in spring time,and this year will come at Apr 25th. i am local miao girl kaili si where i live.
folk festival in minority area
By LOUISA | 4/1/2004 5:11:58 PM
here some minority folk festivals during spring festival time and take place on Easteern GuiZhou kaili city! Festival Location Date Lusheng festivals ( Miao) XiaSi Feb 3th ( Dong) JiTang Feb 3th---4th ( Miao) DaZhong PingZhong Feb 10th--12th (Miao) ZhouXi SiQing Feb 14th ( Miao) QinMan Feb 13th--15th ( Miao GeJia) ChongAn Feb 16th--18th (Miao) ZhouXi Feb 19th--21th (Miao) XingGuang Feb 7th--9th (Dong Yao) SanJiang Feb 17th---18th (Miao) YaTang Feb 6th---7th (Miao) Longe' MaoGong SuiKuo Feb 1th---7th QiangHuaPao (Dong) ChongJIang Feb 5th TaiGuanRen (Dong) ZhaoXing LongTu Feb 3th--4th Dragon Lantern (Miao) TaiJiang SiDong GeDong Feb 15th LuSheng playing and dance is the favorite of all the Miao and Dong villagers.whether old or young.when this time local people wear their beautifull traditional costumes ,that remain unchanged and all made by hand.it is always feel great pleasure for them when you visit their family in village them are very hospitily and friendly,once you entering you will be invited have dinner the most importemt them will offered as many as three or 5 cups of wine that them made by themself, very strong but test good.
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