1st Time
Sep 8, 2005 06:34
  • MATTC99
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Hi everyone

I've been lurking in the shadows for a few weeks now researching a possible trip to China. Well now its no longer a possability its booked for late October! So were heading to Shanghai, has anyone who's been before got any tips or advice, maybe definte places to visit?

Is the language barrier something to worry about? Also one thing that worries me is that as Westerners we'll stand out like a sore thumb, will this mean we have to be more warey of scams, pick pocketing and theft (something I'd never even concidered before I read a few posts on here a few weeks ago)? At the time it actually made me feel quite worried...... :/

Maybe going to Train journey to Zian to see the Terrocota Army too which will be awesome. I've read mixed comments about photography, some say its ok other not? Is there a definative answer and is it best to go with a group tour?

Lots of questions I know and I could probably ask more but I'll take a breather for now. Still can't believe it! :)

Sep 9, 2005 08:33
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Hi Matt,
No ones seems to be answering you from Shanghai, mores the pity. Plenty of Westerners in Shanghai, so you won't stand out any more than anywhere. Language won't be too much of a problem because more people speak English in general. You need to be careful where ever you travel these days paying particular attention to your valuables. Don't invite trouble and you probably won't get any.
Place to visit incluede the Bund, the old French concession in Old Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Tai Hu and Zhouzhuang. while all the afo mentioned places are all worth seeing try to make some time to get out into the Jiangsu country side where there are lots of old villages and you'll the real rural experience adding another dimention to your trip that many people often miss on catered tours.
As for Xian , you definately can take photographs of the Warriors and other aspects of the museum.

I hope this is a help. Search on the internet as there are many new sites postings information in English these days. And of course check something like the LP before you leave or bring one with you. Enjoy your visit
Sep 14, 2005 11:06
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Hi there! Born in shanghai, raised in the US. I go back every 2-3 years.

You are right, definately be careful, especially of little kids pick-pocketing. Last time I caught 2 little kids trying to stick their hands into my purse. One of them came so close I slapped his hand, and he ran away. Go buy a "money belt" from Wal-Mart, they have a zipper pocket on the inside. Keep the bigger bills there. Get a travel belt from any travel store for your passport/visa, credit cards...And watch out for purse/bag snatchers on bikes (i've seen that happen 2 visits ago). Sounds awful, but if you are careful, you'll be fine.

Good places to visit are: bund, jade garden, chenghuang temple, oriental pearl TV tower, xitiandi, People's square, science and technology museum, nanjing road. If you are not shy, go to a bath house. Or get a "foot wash/message".

Don't worry about language, street signs now contain English. People are mostly friendly. If you must ask for directions, try someone from a nice store or restaurant or a nearby hotel. And remember, the TV Tower resides on the EAST side of the city.

Hope you have fun. Maybe I will see you there - LOL(i'm going in November)!

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