Attn Kunming locals - a huge favor to ask...
Sep 19, 2005 01:26
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In August this year we travelled to Kunming to adopt a child. His name is Wu Zhong and he is a wonderful child. We fell in love with Kunming when we were there and hope to return regularly in the future.

Whilst we were there, our guide took us to where they believed Wu Zhong was found but it did not fit the description we had from the orphanage.

Wu Zhong was found outside the Xiao Xiao Laundry opposite the Defan School in Kunming City. I was wondering if any locals would be able to find this location and take several photos and email them to me at|snelvis

If you do this for me I will be happy to send a gift from Australia to you.

Thanks in advance,
Mark Rodger-Snelson
Sep 20, 2005 00:57
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i can try to get my local friend to try if you could verify if the information from the administration is accurate. defan school, primary or secondary?
it must mean alot to you as the information is so important to knowing more of your adopted child, but i wonder if you would eventually really want to let your ward know about the truth of himself or herself; that she/he was abandoned. may have a bit of emotional sensitiveness to it. will see.
Sep 20, 2005 21:13
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Unfortunately the paperwork we have does not state whether the defan school was secondary or primary. I might get my Chinese friend to check the paperwork that is in Chinese characters (I'm okay with pinyin but I am not able to read characters yet). I will let you know if this reveals any more detail.

Xie xie,
Jan 11, 2006 23:40
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I now have the chinese characters for the location.

Would appreciate if anyone can help:


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