Maesai, Thailand to Kunming, backpack
Oct 2, 2005 01:50
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  • Join Date: Oct 2, 2005
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I want to backpack from North Thailand, (Maesai or
Maehongson), to Kunming, China around Nov. 10. I am a US citizen and
married to a Lisu Hill Tribe lady who is a thai citizen. Would you
please give me a possible route or two and information about buses,
boats, costs and visas. Thanks,
Oct 2, 2005 21:49
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  • Join Date: Mar 2, 2005
  • Status: Offline
i believe traveling around with 2 citizenships as married may need documents for some practical reasons, as least photocopies.
other than that you just need the usual visas and lots of money, even though you are going to backpack. you just need to get from one point to the next whether you want to take bus or climb across mountains with your hilltribe wife. you have to first plan a route to take. if you just want to get to kunming, you might as well fly. it could be cheaper. so dont know what you trying to accomplish? if you dont know where you are going, how can anyone help you?
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