what can you do if this thing happen to you in a hotel in china?
Oct 3, 2005 11:04
  • YONG54321
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My girlfriend, her friend and I went to stay in Liu Hua hotel in guangzhou for 6 six days. Within the six days, we have bought fashion items such as lady tops, pants, necklace and other accessories for our fashion shop in singapore. We are already suspicion of the fifth floor hotel staff, as our room was serviced more than 1 time some day while the toilet is never clean more than once a day. On our last night, as we pack our goods purchased in quangzhou, my girlfriends discover some pants were missing. After counting our large fashion item for 3 times, she still found some of her fashion goods missing. We are sure that it is missing and call the hotel counter staff to report,however, to our disappointment, the operator said the workers were trained and cut off the phone conversation. Look like there is nothing we could do and nobody in the hotel would want to help. And to our frustration, when we arrived home in singapore, we do a entire check on our small items such as ear ring and necklace and bracelet and found many more were missing (amount to 15% of our purchases). I would like to warn any tourists or businessmen to avoid Liu Hua Hotel in Quangzhou for my bad experience from the hotel staff and would be glad that to testify with my email: yong54321@hotmail and my personal handphone number: 0065 91086774. If anyone know what we could have done, please let me know, so that i could due with such situation in the future...
Oct 3, 2005 16:44
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Why don't you call 110 to the local police station directly in Guangzhou at once?
Oct 3, 2005 22:43
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can we assume this is your first time on a business shopping trip?
can we also assume that like most singaporeans, you were pretty "loud, or expressive" in a happy mood after successful "killing" in getting a good bargain price/stuff back for your business?
can we assume you attracted the attention of greedy or scheming staff who probably knew that since you buy that much, you wont realized what are missing?
there is no need to blacklist the hotel just because of the fact that you lost your goods there now that you are back. it is suggested that you report to police/securities while you were there, or at least the hotel manager.

regarding the unhelpful attitude of china staff, it is normal for them to react in the way that will require the least work on their part; tell you the "politically correct statements or standard answers" they are supposed to say. You think they want to make themselves look bad?

i think they already told you that they are "well trained". that maybe why you didnt realised you lost of goods. you should be asking how to go on a shopping trip and dont lose my goods? sorry if you are feeling more miserable but you should be more thoughtful before or when you are there, rather than after the trip.
I wonder the same thing will happen if you stay in another hotel? maybe better class?
Oct 4, 2005 00:44
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Being an Aussie, no matter how loud or expressive these ladies were, those hotel staff STOLE!! Thieving is frowned upon everywhere, and this hotel was negligent in their attitude! I am visiting China next year and this hotel will be on my 'don't visit' list. Would you visit there now? I think not, the staff cannot be trusted and the Hotel Management don't care.
Oct 4, 2005 05:54
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my dear aunty, the fact is that they cant prove it that the staff stole, and neither can you. and if they could, this posting wont appear.
you can choose to stay in any hotel you want, nobody is going to stop you, but it is abit premature to just name everybody thiefs and bad by unverified situations, and if you case by just hearing one side of the story. the fact is that we must be careful and take all precautions. even when i close my number lock luggage and lock it with key, i will assign the 3 numbers as i last touch it, and if someone tries to open by changing the number, i will know. dont go around blaming others when it is better to take all precautions. understand?
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