Praise for our helpful members
Oct 10, 2005 04:59
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I'd just like to acknowledge the many young locals who go to so much trouble to help out answering some of the queries on this forum.

While we foriegners may contribute lots of photos and travel tips and reviews because we get loads more oportunity to travel than you do, there are just so many queries that we cannot help with because of language barriers.

So thank you all and keep up the good work. I know I am not the only one who appreciates it.

And I appreciate your comments and feedback on my contributions. I'm going to be a lifetime yet discovering China.


California if you 'message' me your email I will send a copy of that shot you like.
Oct 10, 2005 18:59
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You are a nice person. I like very much to read your subjects. I thank you for your disposal to help all of us.
Oct 10, 2005 19:14
  • RITA
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JABAROOTOO is a nice person, very understanding;-), we have learnt a lot from you already.
Oct 10, 2005 22:40
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yes, most locals are very tolerant, take no offense, always bearing a 'keen to learn' attitude and not the "i know it all" point of view. not really reticent, but pretty retrained in their opinions and willing to be 'corrected' or maybe willing to hear a different option.

so all you tongzhi men, share your thoughts and recommendations so that more will have a good travel to china. dont be afraid, if you offend anyone, it is only unintentional. only the petty ones will take it personally.

more tourists will come with the influx for the forthcoming olympics games. by then you will be leading and servicing big tour groups and earn lots of tips and commission! and with that you can travel to other countries too.

Oct 11, 2005 01:08
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Thanks a lot!Jabarootoo,you are so nice and good teacher:-)we learn more from you!!!
Oct 11, 2005 01:35
  • CONNY129
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what a kind lady !!
Oct 11, 2005 07:56
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I would like to say a Big thank you to Jabarootoo & Conny129 for your kind advice and answering to my queries!
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