Food allergies
Oct 27, 2005 05:15
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I have bad food allergies to yeast and monosodium glutumate (MSG). I also need to stick to a diet with minimal sugar. I am wondering how difficult this will be in China? Any tips from other travellers appreciated?
Oct 27, 2005 05:29
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if health is wealth, then make sure you keep yourself healthy and being sick can drain your wealth. so as a smart practise, insist on going to or ordering food that will agree with your body, avoid company and official dinners. go to restaurant that can serve your orders. insist on the staff in the restaurant give you what youorder, otherwise reject the order. waiters and waitresses in small chinese restaurants are pretty slack when it comes to making sure that you the kitchen stick to the orders.

Oct 27, 2005 21:37
a tip; Do prepare a note in Chinese
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