We are concerned about using a company that is located In China. What is your experience?
Mar 30, 2004 10:31
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We are seriously considering using China Tours for our trip in April, however we are concerned about using a company that is located In China.They would be difficult to contact . What is your experience? Did you have any problems? Also we are interested in a small tour no more then 15 people. Have you been on a tour with this company and how many people were on the tour and where were they from? I would appreciate any feed back you can give. Thank You.
Nov 12, 2005 02:33
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Yeah, it is all here! Im sure there are plenty of people on this board with best experiences with this company.

The one-eyed is king of the blind;-)
Nov 22, 2005 08:13
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Hi,there..Where will you stay. How much budget you talking about. I know an Italian born Chinese studying in Beijing university there. How many people ....His host family is local well educated Chinese, retired high school teacher. They will be able to carry you guys around or plan for your trip. My Italian business associates are pleased with their help.
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