2 train ticket available Beijing/harbin asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 12, 2006 03:30
  • DIANAM1976
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  • Join Date: Dec 27, 2005
  • Status: offline
Hi guys, i have two extra train tickets for habin on this sunday the 15th at 8.00 am, i need to get rid of them asap...the funny thing is taht it was very hard to get them, but now i end up with two extra one...each ticket cost 300 on hard sleep, 11 hours journey direct to Harbin, if you are interested please call me on my mobile asap, as it will be given on "a first come first serve basis" mobile is 134 395 26 302...I will meet you up in beijing to give you the tickwet tomorrow, or on departure date!!! your choice....
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