French translator research
Jul 23, 2004 19:24
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we will be on a professional and touristic journey in Xiamen on 7-19 august and we would like to meet someone speaking french and chinese to help us punctually in our contacts.

This kind of service will be remunerated. If you are interested, contact us before 7 august.

With best regards
Jul 27, 2004 10:40
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maybe you can find some student majoring in French in Xianmen University. It is now the holiday for the students, I think they are very willing to do this job:D
Jul 27, 2004 18:26
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=/ My dad's family is in FuZhou, which is 2 hours from Xiamen..

I usually go there when I go back to China... I would translate for you if I were there..

As for now, a graduate student seems the best option for now
Jul 28, 2004 19:26
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Nous vous remercions pour votre rèponse. Comme nous l'avons pr?is?dans notre demande, nous recherchons un traducteur fran?is-chinois. Pouvez vous nous confirmer si cela vous correspond. Nous aurons bient? les dates et heures où nous aurons besoin de vos services et nous vous les communiquerons pour savoir si cela vous convient.

Merci de votre r?onse, avec nos meilleures salutations.

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