Feb 11, 2006 08:27
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  • Join Date: Feb 11, 2006
  • Status: offline
Who has the best interpreters?
I am looking for one that is not a clock watcher.
I need to travel to 3 or 4 different cities to meet with foundry represenatives with a view of buying large steel bars from them.
I am looking for someone that will put my needs forward rather than someone who agrees completely with the Chinese representatives.
I would also like this interpetor to show me the sights in Beijing and surrounding area during what little time I will have there.
I have already been quoted 80 US dollars per 8 hour day by one company.
I thought that was a bit too much.
Any suggestions????????
Feb 11, 2006 10:01
  • Points: 2514
  • Join Date: Oct 9, 2005
  • Status: Offline
I can offer you my service and guarantee to meet your expectation @ us$200/8-hr day + airfare to Beijing and back + accomodation + 3 meals a day.
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