frm South to North
Mar 12, 2006 10:30
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Hi...I was in Shantou and took some vacation to Beijing..As I asked some help and kindly replied I think I can give some common advices to some posts I've read (or not)...
1. If u buy a China Unicomm simm card in Shantou(don't know is applies all Guangdong) u can't recharge it buying a prepaid card in Beijing.(Service is not good to aware, staff will answer "yes, no prb" to all ur questions..)
2.I took a local tour...5 days in Beijing..seems as everything tours are a lottery...I was happy, I ate with the chineses dishes I wouldn't order beeing alone but is too short time...they made forbidden city in 1 day and I've walking around it for 3 days!...anyway cheap and good to have a general idea of the city...
3. South hotels are cheap cause they r retired but once u managed the bus route and subway they r worthy!
4. Remember u shouldnt miss the night shows... finger r frozen so thanks to those who answer my questions... finger
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