Single Entry Visa??
Mar 13, 2006 09:54
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This may be a dumb question, but I want to be absolutely sure.

My brother and I are going to China in May. We are flying into Hong Kong and then going to the following cities (in the order they are listed):

A single entry visa is all we need, correct? With this itinerary, is there any reason for us to get a double entry visa?

Thanks for your help!
Mar 13, 2006 12:51
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Yes. I am assuming you have a China Visa that is valid for a single 30 day stay in PR of China??

When you arrive through the entry portal of Guangzhou, your Visa will be stamped “Entered“, and the clock will start ticking. You can then travel to as many cities as you wish within the borders of PR China, within the 30 day period.
Please be cautioned to note the expiration date of your Visa and ensure you do not exceed the time provision.

Then upon your exit from PR China, I presume at the immigration portal at Beijing, your Visa will again be stamped “Departed” and the clock will stop, and that Visa will have expired and no longer be valid. Only, if your itinerary included a departure from the national border of PR China, through an immigration check point, and then another reentry through an immigration check point, where your Visa is required to be stamped, would you need the multiple entry Visa.
Mar 13, 2006 13:29
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Thanks for your great explination. It was very helpful. I knew HK wasn't within the borders of PR China, but I wasn't sure if there were any other areas that were similar to HK. Your post answered my question. Thank you.

Mar 13, 2006 18:26
  • RITA
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If you travel from mainland China to HK and then back to mainland, you need double entry visa. SIngle entry visa is ok if you go as you listed.

Mar 13, 2006 23:34
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Yes, you only need a single-entry visa.
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