My Travel Dream - A Reflection
Mar 17, 2006 22:04
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Rogerinca just pushed the right button at the right time for me (in another thread) to set me to review my dream.
My dream : To cover as much as possible the entire expanse of China.
I have travelled quite widely in China over the last 15 yrs - mostly on business for the 1st 10 yrs with little time to take a good look around. The feeling then was : there is another chance to come back again.
Yes, there have been these 2nd or 3rd chances to return to see more of China - but at my own expense & with a different emotional/mental disposition. Over the last 5 yrs, I continued to visit China - now more for pleasure but again managed to see only the spots where most tourists are brought to. I wanna see the more remote places, the rural areas and have a better in-depth look at the Chinese life. Tibet, Qinghai, more of XinJiang, Mongolia, the Northeast & a couple of other Mainland provinces (Hunan/Hubei/Henan/Hebei, etc) are the provinces I have yet to visit. Some, I would like to revisit.
Now I dream of realising my dream - to travel on budget tours, travelling by local buses and trains; staying in budget hotels and eating at roadside/village stalls. I've also considered voluntary works in China - eg teaching, charity works, etc - to materialise this dream. So far, I have been a failure.
I really envy & respect those backpackers and travellers who can discard all other considerations and just go and spend a couple of years to travel in another country or work there for a meagre sum to just have that opportunity to be there.
So what is holding me back ? I am trying to find out that myself. Lack of companion, fear of treading into the wilderness or unknown ? Reluctance to move out of the comfort zone or just unable to "let go" ? What else .... ?

Do you guys/gals have this same feeling ? What is holding back your trying to achieve your dreams ?
Mar 18, 2006 06:57
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Hi Pinetree,

You sound like you have a deep appreciation of China and the same desire as many of us to get off the beaten track and see some of the more natural aspectsand isolated places of this great country.

One small step at a time. You've taken the first important step in writing down your dreams and goals which is more than many of us do.

Can I ask if you speak good Mandarin? Even with limited language skills you can still have a wonderful time travelling. If you wait for everything to be may wait too long.

Start out small with some small trips of a month or two's duration and try to make contact and friends with some of the members on the forum who may be interested in meeting up with you and sharing some of your travel itinerary.

Take the leap, you may be surprised who you meet and may even find other travellers to share some of your journey with you. I know it is much more meaningful to travel with friends but it is not always possible.

JUST DO IT. You will have a good time. I wish I had more opportunities but I take as many as I can.
Mar 19, 2006 19:12
  • RITA
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I am looking forward to reading more about your China travel stories/ anecdotes! :-)
Mar 19, 2006 20:05
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Tks for the advice Jabarootoo. I think I will have to do that - take 1 step at a time.
Rita - will try to write some reviews/funny stories when I manage to break out of my shell to travel in the manner I've wanted. Am sure, will see a different China.
O,O,O Wocca - tks for your comment ! For me, my idea of travelling out is to satisfy my dream of seeing more of another country. Of cos, in the preocess I will broaden my views/thinking & learn to know more of myself and others. But these are the consequence of the travels rather than the objectives.

Mar 19, 2006 23:24
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Pinetree, thank you for your comment. I am happy I could have a positive effect on your thought process. Good luck with your travel and your dream !!!
Mar 19, 2006 23:29
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Good luck to you:-)

Mar 21, 2006 22:37
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I forgot to add, Pinetree......You must keep us all apprised of your progress in your endeavor !!

We will all keep the 'pressure' on you to accomplish this dream !!! LOL

You can't fool me Pinetree.....I know you are a very nice and kind man !!! :) :)

Many others share my opinion too !!! :) :)
Mar 21, 2006 23:59
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Yessir, my intention is to start off this coming autumn - probably almost backpack through Sichuan. Starting point will be Chengdu and will finish at JZG.
Let's see whether I can take that step.
Wish me luck.
Mar 22, 2006 00:10
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Good luck to you:-)

And waiting your amazing pics!
Mar 22, 2006 00:57
  • CONNY129
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time , money , energy ...can all be the excuses of not to realise our travel dream ,unlike the coward people as me ,you are really brave ,Pinetree ,sincerely wish you all the best :P
Mar 22, 2006 01:01
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Thanks for the encouragement, all.
Am not brave that's why I have been delaying this for so long. But will take the 1st step.
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