Anyone in Hangzhou been to the Botanical Gardens? | |
Mar 27, 2006 06:41 | |
| Hello there felloow travelers. Windenergy is in his comfy dormitory in Changxing tonight. I still am getting ready to head to Hangzhou in April. However, I was hoping somnebody could help me locate an english map of Hangzhou so I will know where I am at?????? Went out to the countryside yesterday...first hot day in the spring. Plenty of flowers blooming and bees buzzing. I am trying to organize a documentary about the research and botany found at Hangzhou far Rita has provided a rudimentary map at a tourist website, but I would like yo have an idea of what to expect once inside the garden. I understand that part of the park is for plant research and part is for enjoyment. Don't want to get knicked buying a map when I get there. Can anyone in the community help? |
Mar 27, 2006 07:02 | |
| I think shouldn't be difficult to get hold of an English map of Hangzhou at any of the bigger hotels there. |
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