Legitmacy of TravelChinaGuide?
Apr 3, 2006 03:15
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Hi, Wocca, I think you misunderstood me. Roger, u know me best!

As far as I know, TCG has been recommended by Time, CCTV-4, New York Times, USA Today, and Chicago Sun Times.
Apr 3, 2006 09:05
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Apr 3, 2006 09:44
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Any self respecting American that can surf the internet will tell you there is more than one China Travel Guide in America -Travel information for China including: tourism rating, travel safety details, entry requirements, crime alerts.American visitors to China should carry their passports with them out of reach of pickpockets.
Apr 4, 2006 08:16
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Yes TCG are legitimate - why would we all spend so much time on something that was not.

All my dealings have been very professional and they honour thier commitment.

If you have any genuine concerns, please tell us or if you have picked up any serious complaint levelled directly at TCG then we would all be very surprised.

Enjoy your time to China. We all do......

May 26, 2006 17:25
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Is the New York Chamber of Commerce liget?If your going to China this summer forget the Western ways of HURRY,HURRY,HURRY and take the time to read the articles that everyone has posted here,get to know the people and their stories.Not only will this help prepare you for your trip to China and give you a better understanding of the Chinese people and culture,it will easy your mind about TCG being liget:)) I have been to China 3 times in a little over a year and would stay a month each time,from my experiences of being in China I like their life style much more them the Western life style:)The Chinese people are GREAT!!
May 26, 2006 21:17
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Hi juliett,
Welcome to china ! Don't worry ,if you have enough time ,you'd better visit more then one city ,beijing is our capital ,it's a woundful city , , there are some use info for you reference ,after u visit beijing you can visit xinjiang and tibet or other cities,I'm a local people in xinjiang ,if you visit xinjiang ,I'm sure there no trap ,you also can connect with me ,I can help you .If you visit the other cities ,the others will help you and they will be hospitality!
have a good time !
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