Where to go after Beijing?
Apr 15, 2006 08:25
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Hi everybody, I’m looking for a little advice. I’m going to be teaching English in Tsinghua University for a month in July and once I’m done I’ll be travelling around until mid September. I’ve been looking at this and other sites and trying to figure out where to go in a place as huge as China is quite overwhelming. After a month in the capitol it will be nice to get away from the city, apart from that though I’ve got no particular destination in mind.

If any of you experienced china travellers can offer any advice I’d be really grateful.

Thanks a lot

Apr 15, 2006 09:04
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Yes Dan
It is a big country. I think for any of us to give you any valid advice we need to know some of your preferences and interests.

If you can do that I'm sure you'll get some good tips apart from the obvious big ticket tourist destinations.

It'll be a good time to travel then at least.

Waiting to hear more
Apr 15, 2006 10:12
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I agree with you!And what's about your interests???Then we can tell you more exactly.
Apr 15, 2006 16:15
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Thanks for the quick response!

Interests? Okay, this isn’t going to sound amazingly helpful, but a bit of everything really. When I’m in a city I look at museums, go check out the bars/restaurants, go on tours, ‘see the sites’ so to speak. I’ve been on holiday where I’ve enjoyed spending lots of time enjoying the scenery, walking or cycling (I recently cycled across the Pyrenees and the mountains were amazing) and it’s always great to discover the small villages and towns that are off the beaten track (as I’m sure a lot of people here agree). I am really in to food and always enjoy trying the local cuisine; I’m a big fan of Chinese cookery so I’m really looking forward to trying a lot of local dishes when I’m out there. I’ve been learning kung-fu for several years now and if I get a chance to train when I’m over there it would be great.

I’m going to be spending a month or so travelling up the east coast of Australia before I arrive in Beijing so will probably have my fill of beaches by then. As I said before, I’ll be spending a month in Beijing so I’ll probably during that time, visit the museums and galleries, check out the bars and night life and of course explore the forbidden city (if anyone has any Beijing advice as well that will be great, I’m checking out the other posts in this site, but as I said SO MUCH INFORMATION). So I’m thinking I’d like to spend the rest of my time checking out some more rural places, enjoying the scenery, food, culture.

I hope that helps and doesn’t confuse things more!

Thanks again

Apr 15, 2006 22:01
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Beijing -- Datong -- Pingyao -- Xi'an -- Chengdu -- Yunnan province -- Guizhou province -- Yangshuo -- Guangzhou -- Xiamen -- Hangzhou -- Shanghai -- Suzhou -- Nanjing -- Huangshan -- Beijing
Apr 16, 2006 20:18
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For Beijing,I can tell you sth:

Of course,you should visit the important parts of this city,like Forbidden City,Great Wall,Summer Palace,Heaven Temple,Ming Tomb......And there were also some nice small parks.

For bars,there were two areas,one in in Sanlitun,around embassies area,I don't like this!The other is Houhai,I love this one.It is at the side of a lake,and traditional.

Food:So many kinds of food,I hope you love it!

Good luck!
Apr 16, 2006 20:40
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Dear Dan,
you've given so much info...really make me confused... haha :-)))

After your one-month work in Beiing,these cities in China are highly recommended for you to visit :

Xian (really amazing, full of historical flavor)
Guilin(with beautiful natural scene)
Shanghai(internationalized metropolis,very mordern ciy )

Also,you can have a Yantze River tour or Tibet tour,which may give something special.

Chongqing is another good choice, for its famous cuisine -- one of the Eight flavors in China, catering for your hobby.

Many many many more Chinese cities are worth visiting...

Hope the above info will be helpful and please enjoy your coming trip in China!!!


Apr 17, 2006 08:56
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Hi Dan,
If it's rural countryside, food and culture, you really can't go past a combination of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and you could sqeeze in the Three Gorges if this really grabs you.

Again, narrow down your research in these areas and you may be able to work out an itinerary that covers all the things you're interested in.

When will you be touring up the Queensland Coast? If you're passing through before I return to China perhaps you can get in touch with me. I'm just north of Brisbane, one of the best spots for beaches.

PS You won't find much to comare in CN
Apr 17, 2006 09:37
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My dear friend.... there is a saying here in ChengDu, that once you visit, you will always have to come back..... and believe me, it's very, very true... you need to hear the people speaking SiChuanese, you need to keep the taste of HotPot, and other SiChuan foods in your mouth, because you will NEVER feel them anywhere else... and as a distraction... you may want to visit the Giant Panda reserve, take in the wonderful museums, temples and beautiful parks and gardens..... but, beware....... the drug of ChengDu is very powerful, and you may not want to leave. China's most beautiful women come from ChengDu, and I was one of the victims of the drug... now I am happily married, and would not want to live anywhere else in the world.... We welcome you to visit us, to see for yourself, what no words could ever tell you...... AMEN
Apr 17, 2006 11:17
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Wow, thanks everybody for the help. I’ve been busy checking out those suggestions and mapping them out on google Earth.

So far I think major destinations are Beijing -> Xi’an -> Chengdu -> Chongquing -> Other places! -> Shanghai, where I can finish up and probably get a flight back to the UK.

I’ll obviously go through a lot more places along the way (thanks for that route ELLYSE, I’m having a look at it now, and trying to pin them on to my map), Guilin looks beautiful and there’s so much to see on the way to Shanghai (like Lushan National Park), I’ll have to see how time (and money) lasts as I travel.

Will it be easy to go between these places by train? Or do you recommend travelling by bus/boat(where possible).

And, thanks for the Beijing advice California, good tip with that bar. JABAROOTOO, I’ll be in Oz mid may until late June when I’m off to Beijing, I’ve got no real plans yet other that make my way north, relaxing on the coast, I’ll probably go through Brisbane so I might see you around.

And ZENGYONGYUAN, great description there, you sure you don’t work for the ChengDu tourist board :-) ?

Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate the help.
Apr 17, 2006 21:46
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Ha ha.... almost... but seriously, if you are from UK, then you simply MUST look me up when you come to ChengDu ( notice I didn't say IF ???) I have just settled another friend into a nice apartment here, he too has the 'drug', we would love to meet you and swap stories, or things, and my friend, once you have seen QinTaiLiu, you will LOVE it, ChengDu people work very hard to make overseas visitors welcome, and you will fall in love many times over, this I promise you...
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