Utilities and satellite tv $$$$
Apr 16, 2006 04:08
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Hi All,

Can someone tell me what is the average cost of utlities for say a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment?

A ballpark figure will help.

And if anyone knows about the cost of installing satellite tv, that'll help too

Apr 16, 2006 20:11
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For where???
Apr 18, 2006 22:09
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As stated, it depends very much on where you want to live. In the larger cities, you can expect to pay more for everything.... services ( water, gas, electricity ) will cost an average of 1500Y per month, depending on your usage, of course. You wont be using satellite equipment, because it's illegal !!! and remember, if you are a single, or married person with just your wife living with you, you are deemed to only require a certain size of accomodation, in square meters... if you have 3 bedrooms, and all the spacious living that you require to maintain your USUAL living standard... you will pay a high premium for that extra space, the government, in it's wisdom, has decided that you shouldn't really take up so much room, when you have many peole with basic, or NO accomodation... I hope this sort of comment doesn't put you off visiting China.... but it's the kind of thing you need to remember. Hope I have been able to help you ??
Apr 19, 2006 01:01
  • RITA
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"You wont be using satellite equipment, because it's illegal !!!"

Are you sure of that? Because satellite tv stations are quite popular in China, like the phoenix, Hunan weishi, etc? Or they are different?

Someone can explain?
Apr 19, 2006 04:49
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Sorry to not get back so quickly..... I enquired about this soon after settling in ChengDu, and I was given a sheet of paper, my wife translated for me, the gist was... this type of equipment is banned by the government, and if caught using it, the penalties are harsh.... this was 2 years ago.
Apr 10, 2009 22:28
GUESTINTONCANT My TV bill is out of control. In my house we have 3 TVs, each with cable tv service. We get about 65 channels, but no HD programming. My husband really wants HD for his sports. Baseball season is coming and he is anxious to get it. For what I consider limited service I pay 125 dollars a month. Does that seem way too high? What is a better idea if I wanted HD??
Apr 11, 2009 07:56
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Depends on where you are living.
If in the States and in or near a metropolitan area the total cost should be
no more than appx. 70 U$ for basic service.
Of course, the additional @#%^&*@@ hidden fees, taxes and surcharges
doesn't help the situation.
If interested in HD then you might compare shop the satellite tv services if available.
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