China Travel Agency
Apr 16, 2006 19:15
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Anyone hear of a travel agency in ShenZhen China that will book your room for you at the Century Plaza for a better price, then come to your room to collect the fee? I am wondering why they don't want to take a credit card number and get paid in advance.
Apr 17, 2006 01:04
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That sounds freaky... Coming to your room to collect the fee??? That's unprofessional business practice. I think you should look else where. Besides, it's best to set up tour plans while you're still in your home country then setting up in China. Some travel agencies are really crappy, but not all. You'll never know if you'll end up with the bad ones.

About method of payments. I was required to pay in cash or check instead of credit card when I was purchasing my tour package. It is said that they can not get the money from credit cards as fast as the other two methods. Some agencies are just that *** haha. And, I'm thinking, most people get free travel insurance coverage just by using their credit card. I probably want you to buy a separate insurance package from them hehe.
Apr 17, 2006 02:26
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Safer to go through the proper route tho the method offered to you could be much cheaper. The people are there for business & reputation is quite important to them. I suppose they will negotiate witht he hotel staff for a lower rate than the official ones and make the difference from u - all in cash. So it might not be try to swindle u. But no important taking that risk.
In China, most non-reputable establishments prefer not to accept credit card due to the commission that they need to pay. They of cos wanna maximise their profit.
Give them time - they will be operating like the USA or even better in time to come.
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