I'm searching for chinese penpals =D
May 3, 2006 22:47
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I'm David Botello from México and I'm also very interested in chinese culture and languages/dialects: mandarin, cantonese.
So, I'd like to use this and try to find penpals who want to share their culture and in return I'll share mine...
My main reason for my interest in China is that my great-grandfather came from Guangzhou to Mexico during the first years of the 20th century, and recently I gain interest in that part of my ancestry...


PD: If anyone's interested my e-mail address is:|david.tejeda
May 3, 2006 23:04
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With a Chinese ancestry on the paternal side, how come you don't have a Chinese name/surname ?
Just curious.
May 4, 2006 02:25
  • MICKEY33
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I had the study of tour. I come from the north of China. And, I am working in Shenzhen now. So, I know chinese culture very well, at the same time, I can speak mandarin&cantonese, so, offer me your question! I think I can help you!

My e mail address|coco_33608
May 4, 2006 18:56
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Nop, my chinese ancestry comes from my maternal side... my mom's name is Carmen Tejeda Leo and her mother was Carmen Leo and her father was "Enrique" Leo Wang (so, he's my great-grandfather) he changed his name and I don't know what the original one was, and he used the mexican way to use last names, the paternal one after the name and after that the maternal one... I don't look very chinese, but a cousin who shares the same ancestry as me looks a lot more... So, my family is an example of assimilation (which is not bad nor good, I think).

May 4, 2006 19:42
  • Points: 2514
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Tks, David.
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