where to rent a phone?
Sep 17, 2004 10:42
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hello,all!I'm going to China next month, and I want to rent a mobile phone. who can please tell me some information about that? the rate or anything about that! sos
Sep 17, 2004 17:50
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In fact, you needn't rent cell phone. Just take your phone, and buy a new sim card. In city, you will find many phone sim card selling stores where you can buy phone card.
And the Shenzhouxing card is your best choice, which excludes the fixed monthly service charge, and it is cheaper comparatively if you stay in China just for several months.
To buy this card doesn't need your ID card at all, just take money to buy different one of different par value as you need :D

Hope it can help you^_^
Sep 18, 2004 10:02
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First, how long will you stay in China? Because I think it is unnecessary to rent a cell phone if you will stay here for more than one or two months. And the phone you will take from your country will not compatible with the sim card in China. You just can buy a mobile phone in China which is not expensive for a very common one, just about $100.
Sep 20, 2004 11:35
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well, my friend had been there, he rented a phone in, which is said to be the lowest charge in china, hr... $0.18/min . hope it's helpful for you.
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