Natural Fruits in China
Jun 9, 2006 02:19
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I have tried many kinds of fruits in China during my travels. Somehow I feel better knowing that chinese fruits are the real fruits that are cultivated naturally.

This is unlike those that I have eaten here in Singapore. Some of these fruits here are genetically enhanced. Scientist have made the fruits different using genetic engineering.

Hormones are even added to the fruits to make them insect free and worm free. Durians is such an example. Worms are no longer found in the Malaysian durians.

Examples of genetic engineering are : Seedless grapes, seedless oranges, seedless guavas, seedless watermelons .... the list goes on. We even have yellow kiwifruits.

Are these fruits better than the naturally grown specis?

What will they think of next?
Jun 9, 2006 03:05
  • Points: 2514
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All these are the result of genetic alteration - bioengineering. There is square watermelon, too.
Some humans have altered parts of their body as well.
And don't forget there will be cloning of life as well.
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