What is a lot of cash for a person to carry?
Jul 24, 2006 16:48
  • GRIZ326
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While I was in Shenyang and Beijing one of my English speaking Chinese friends told me I had too much money in my money clip. That was immediately after going to the currency exchange and before returning to the hotel. At that moment, I had probably 2000 RMB because I had not transferred it to my money belt.

She said it was OKAY to carry around 300 RMB. However, I found that 300 RMB did not go very far with taxi fares, food, and admissions... (but I was paying for myself and 3 friends) It was my opinion that going to the moneybelt too frequently made me more visible than cash in hand.

What is an appropriate amount of cash to carry in your pocket? That is, how much money attracts pickpockets? Or how much money is an offensive display?

With hindsight, I think next time I will split up my money and carry it in different pockets. The moneybelt was fine for the traveler's checks, but not for cash.

How much money would a Chinese person usually carry in their pocket in a city?
Jul 24, 2006 19:09
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A quick answer
Jul 24, 2006 19:29
  • RITA
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Hi Griz,

(not so quick answer. lol )

>What is an appropriate amount of cash to carry in your pocket?

Whatever the amount you can take care of, but some cash with 1 or several cards that most ATM accepts will be fine. As a traveler in another country, 300 yuan of cash in pocket daily is indeed not much, because you have to pay everything and traveling is not cheap.

>That is, how much money attracts pickpockets?

Well, pickpockets are much easier to be attracted than you think, and please note that pickpockets are not so greedy here, haha~~. They won't be disappointed if you don't make their efforts in vain. Be careful!

Or how much money is an offensive display?

I didn' t really catch you here, but no matter what the amount is, if you "display" your cash(on purpose, well i don't think you will do that), it will bring an amazing chemical effects to the hearts of the pickpockets.

>How much money would a Chinese person usually carry in their pocket in a city?

It depends, no fixed or decent amount that all people should follow. I usually don't take much, because there are ATMs close to where I live and where I work, no problem to cope with the unexpected outlay.
Jul 24, 2006 21:46
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Less than 500RMB,and usually use the credit card in the shopping centre.
Jul 25, 2006 01:28
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it depends on yr itinerary for the day and whether u expect to do some shopping altho what u mentioned abt carrying rmb2000 is alright esp if u are paying for yr friends too. And of course it also depends on where u have yr meals and what are your leisure activities. However, rmb500 is too little to have as taxi rides and a few drinks will set u back perhaps even more.
Its best to have a ATM card with u. And its good advice and tghinking to carry the money in different pockets - but not in yr back pockets. Pickpockets are everywhere in most places and countries, and they do not know how much one is carrying so its more a random thing if one is unfortunate to be a victim of pickpockets.
As for the use of Credit Cards - please be informed that many local eateries and restaurants and even shopping centres are likely not to accept any foreign credit cards - and hence it is of limited use at the bigger establishments like major hotels and some select shopping centres usually foreign-jv ones like Jusco and Carreflour but even then some shops within do not accept credit cards. hence it is very crucial that u have sufficient funds and esp. a ATM card with u.
Jul 25, 2006 20:33
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I'm probably the very worst person to answer this as I do everything wrong. I really should get a bank account in China with an atm card. Anyway... when I go travelling I usually carry about 4000rmb with me, in various hidden places about my bag and person.... OH dear!! Very, very bad and unrecommended!!! :(

I never carry a big lump sum on my person if going out for a short trip, but it really depends. I find 500rmb is a good amount, unless of course you're buying dinner for 20 people, or drinking western beers in a bar.

The other thing to mention is that I often see a lot of people in restaurants paying the bill from a huge wad of 100rmbs. In China we use cash far more than we do in the UK. This is interesting as I've rarely seen a £50 note in my life and usually carry less than £20 with me in England, paying for everything with my debit card :)

Ha ha! I LOVE Rita's answer, you are so cool!

NB. Perhaps some of our Chinese members can elaborate on customs and if showing a lot of money is offensive ? But I don't think it is.
Jul 26, 2006 00:08
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Nope, no offensive at all, no matter how large the amount you are displaying in front of me/ in public, whenever I go to the bank, I see people do that in front of me, I am cool with that. But doing that out of a bank, be careful of the two groups of people, pickpockets and non-pickpockets (it seems all the people in the world can be classified into these two groups, lol), it was clearly warned of the pickpockets above; the non-pickpockets might think of you as a peacockish upstart. (according to our culture)

You buy, you pay, but no need to display!
Jul 26, 2006 03:25
  • CONNY129
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"how much money attracts pickpockets?"

it is better than none for those theives,I think , if they got a lot of money once ,they are luck enough , if it is little ,it won't bring them any loss .

so my suggestion is no matter how much money you bring with you ,never pick them out frequently , do not show anybody else clearly how much money you brought . get some changes in one pocket and some in purse .

2000 yuan is not a large amount of money for 4 persons travelling ,don't worry about it , just grasp your pocket tightly
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