Souvenirs in Guilin?
Aug 6, 2006 00:24
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I've been teaching in China for the last two months, and I have three days for one last vacation before I head back to the states. I would love to see Guilin because it sounds beautiful and interesting, but I still need to buy some quality souvenirs for a few close friends and family (and myself!) before I return to the states...would I be able to find quality, interesting souvenirs in Guilin? Or should I go to Beijing instead (where my flight is leaving from)? I have already been to Beijing, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to do much shopping. Specifically, I am hoping to find neat kitchen stuff - serving platters or bowls, a tea set, interesting chopsticks, place settings, etc. I'm not sure when I'll ever be able to visit China again, which is why I'd like to see Guilin, but is also why I want to bring home interesting, long-lasting souvenirs. Please help ASAP! I'm going to book my final trip soon! Thanks!!
Aug 6, 2006 05:28
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If you are thinking of heading down to Yangshuo you will find a very good range - West St is great for all sorts of souvenirs- a chop is a great idea as you get to have the name of your friend or family member engraved in Chinese on the bottom and they can be used as a stamp on letters, envelopes etc- they are great items- as well as all sorts of china and silk, t shirts, flutes nearly anything you would want and it is not too long a bus ride from Guilin- great street for haggling with the store owners too!! a trip on the Li river before you head home is a must!!
Have a great time.
Sep 29, 2006 11:44
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souvenirs in guilin is famous for traditional chinese landscape paintings, pearls, osmanthus flower tea. you can buy products in western street of yangshuo or guilin night market in Zhongshan road. you are welcome to guilin.

Sep 29, 2006 11:44
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souvenirs in guilin is famous for traditional chinese landscape paintings, pearls, osmanthus flower tea. you can buy products in western street of yangshuo or guilin night market in Zhongshan road. you are welcome to guilin.

Oct 4, 2006 21:17
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I have a really amazing suggest to you, my experience was similar to you. I visited Guilin in July, but failed to buy any crafts or souvenirs there, what a huge regret! But one time I found a website in Guilin, on which you can order many crafts of Guilin, the prices are even lower than that selling in Guilin local shops. I bought a bracelet and a handbag, which are really amazing to me. But it's regretful that this website only accept remittance, but I think it's not a big problem considering the amazing crafts it sells.
I recommend you visit this website, for details you can go to
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