fewer come, why?? help!!
Aug 26, 2006 04:17
  • CONNY129
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waht happened to Roger ? He used to be the active member here :(
Aug 26, 2006 05:32
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I understand our friend Roger is in somewhere searching for his Shangri-la.
Aug 26, 2006 09:13
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It would be helpful if people would only reply if that have some useful information...idel chatter between old friends just clutter the forum.

I would also suggest to the moderators that they need to invstigate updating the Forum (and the rest of the website). Forum members who have not contributed for a certain period of time should either be expunged or moved to an archive. I would also like to see more fields in the profile made mandatory... I would like to know a little about the person I am providing input to. Sure they may lie, but it would help.

Unfortunately, when I do a search in a web browser for a smaller city in China I usually get better info from other sites. Christine and Siva: we need content and more contributors, how about using this forum thread as a reason to push management to do a serious piece of market research into what is needed on the site and then upgrading it.
Aug 26, 2006 10:38
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First of all, I would like to quote this from TCG on Forum :- "An on-line meeting place shared by those who have passion for China and Chinese culture".

So we hear "I want more of this ....." & "I would like to see more of that .....". Hohoho !!

With due espect, the Forum is not for I ( it is not by accident that in the English language, the "i" is always in capital - anyone ever wonders why ?) - it is for US. It is provided by TCG for us to talk & that we take it as to incl some harmless chats amongst members of this Forum.

Secondly, the subject matter of this particular thread is "Fewer Come, Why ?? Help". Tell us how can the suggestion to "xpunge or move to an archive" of other members help in this cause ?

It is an interesting observation on the source of such suggestions. As just another members, we shouldn't be suggesting that other co-members be "expunged". All members are equal - not some more equal, please. No members are above others (senior members ?), no matter how much they contribute & vice versa. TCG should be applauded for practising equal rights here - is this Britain ? Hahaha !!
Not all members can contribute - let them be. There is no harm for them to sit quietly by & watch or pick up something that they may find useful to them from time to time - it's free. ( hope that mentioning this won't attract another member to suggest that non-contributors pay TCG a fee ! ).
Let's concentrate on our own contribution and any reasonable suggestions that may improve our enjoyment here.
Cheerios !!
Aug 27, 2006 10:41
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Fewer come? Why?

Perhaps the forum doesn't meet thier needs. But I see it differently . I think more people are contributing than ever before but often for very different reasons.

Yes we could do with less advertising and just ignore the messages from the Ivory Coast. These get picked up pretty quickly and are removed. Just delete them from your mailbox - no harm done. Someone must spend a lot of time getting all these out to us!!!!!!

And as for more information on smaller places in China. It's a big place and not easy to cover everywhere. Many of us on the ground here are trying our best to cover off the beaten track and lessor know places but it is not easy. I love to do this but it helps to travel with a native speaker who can find out the special places from the locals or from Chinese websites.

Many of our Chinese Forum members who have been to these kind of places sometimes lack the confidence to share a great deal about thier travels. I like to source information from a variety of sources but to be honest I find much of it is the same regergitated tourist mish mash and it is far better to get first hand information from someone who has actually been there or lives there.

You should read what they say about Chongqing but it has far more to offer that most sites and books have to say about it. I discover this by exploring mostly on my own and sometimes with locals but they often d not know any more than the advertisiment tells us.

Aug 27, 2006 20:15
  • MAY001
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Yes, small cities and counties are abundant in China. It is not easy to contain all the cities and counties in just one forum.
I just notice that most of the cities TCG chose to display here are tourism city. Anyway, TCG is still a TRAVEL guide. Of course, updating the forum is a great idea. But I believe the webmaster and moderators are trying their best now. Update the system is no easy thing.
At least, we can be more active to support their work.
Aug 28, 2006 02:42
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Interesting that 18 people said they didn't come to the forum because the topics are boring/uninteresting...when 'we' are all (those 18 members included) able to submit and respond to any topic we like. We have no-one to complain to/about but ourselves.

Personally I think this forum is a lot healthier than it used to be. I hope it continues to grow. I come here to get travel information, ideas and experiences and to learn more about China (culture/philosophy/life) I also come here to share what I have learnt with others who are interested.

An idea for the TCG team is that as its gets bigger it might be worth creating separate forums for 'chat', 'travel q & as', 'China culture', 'teaching in china' even 'services' for those offering to be guides etc... then members can visit and contribute to those areas that interest them... at the moment as all 'topics' are combined they quickly disappear and become a little laborious to search through. This may put some people off.

Also, during the summer especially, a lot of us are off travelling or just generally have other commitments beyond the internet.
Aug 28, 2006 03:35
  • SIVA
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  • Community Moderator
Dear all,
Thank you very much for your participation and suggestion, and especially thanks to EXLIFE!

China is large and the community is small. But we do hope we can offer you a place to meet, share, enjoy and even learn something new. All your great suggestions can make our community healthier and stronger. And of course, we are considering your suggestions seriously, such as separate categories, deal with spams & advertisements, display more cities and counties. So I'm sure our engineers will be pretty busy in the following months.

Thank you again!! Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
Siva & Christine
Aug 28, 2006 04:44
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hi guys,
thank you all for your kind replies. i was really touched when reading your suggestions which give great motivation to the TCG members for better work and me for more participiation in the discussion. i hope this forum will become a daily must for those who want to know and come to China. besides travelling, chinese culture has always been mysterious to us, so why not discussing on what you are wondering and courious about. i believe those chinese masters will give you the precise answer.
always expect your participation

Sep 7, 2006 21:18
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More members are coming in now. A few moment ago, there were more than 100 others watching on the sideline !!
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