Visiting Beijing During National Holiday 29 Sept - 2 Oct
Sep 9, 2006 12:54
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We plan to visit Beijing as tourists close to the national holiday on 1st October. I understand most attractions will be extremely busy at this time. Can anyone advise what places to avoid during this period ? Any good places to visit.

Sep 9, 2006 20:34
  • SOLOTO007
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No way to escape from huge amount of tourists at that peak season, every attraction, every street, every hotel, every restaurant is crowded.... people just push their way!!!! I think you'd better come to terms with such situation... good luck!
Sep 10, 2006 04:35
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Yes... it's going to be pretty difficult to avoid vast numbers of people wherever you go in BJ during the October holidays.

Tourist sites in particular are going to be busy. But avoid them all and you'll miss a lot that's great about BJ.

I would suggest heading out to the Simatai/Jinshanling section of the Great Wall. It's likely to be less busy than other sections.

Also the Summer Palace is large enough that the crowds will be diffused somewhat... but you're still going to find yourself nose to tail... and following the ubiquitous loud-haler toting tour guides.

If you prepare for and can accept millions of people, at least any moments of peace you find will be all the more pleasant :)

Check out the BJ travel guides/tips on here for some info on the city, there are some great places to go that might give you a breather from the masses!

Good Luck and Enjoy!
Sep 10, 2006 14:18
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Do you think it would be better to book organised tours at this time ?

Sep 10, 2006 23:09
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The Forbidden City and Badaling Great Wall will be very crowed.Mutianyu Great Wall is very good and not very crowed.need more info,contact|helenhou11
Sep 11, 2006 06:33
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Wharpblast... booking a tour really depends on what kind of a traveller you are in general.

If you prefer to have things organised for you to make the experience comfortable, then it is better to go with a tour. Of course, you do not have the same freedom as if you go by yourself.

If you are happy and confident to explore alone, there's no reason why you shouldn't. Of course you will encounter difficulties, but in my mind these are just part of the experience. Even if you can't speak Mandarin, hotels/hostels will be able to help you find places and a lot of staff will have knowledge of English.

I spent a week alone in BJ when I first came to China and could barely speak a word of Mandarin and had few problems... just make sure you get a business card for your hotel/hostel in case you get lost!

Good Luck.
Sep 13, 2006 08:14
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Thanks for all the replies. We will look into all the suggestions. Sorry I really meant organised one-day trips rather than the whole holiday. I am travelling with a fluent Chinese speaker and most of the trip is self-planned. I just thought for the Beijing leg by having a guide we could avoid ticket queues and the worst of the crowds.

Sep 14, 2006 10:39
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Just a point, holiday doesn't begin till the 1st of October so you should miss the worst of it. Get the must do stuff over as soon as you arrive and then if it is crowded you can change your plans to suit.

Forbidden city.
Enter by the back gate near Jingshan Park

Great Wall: Cycle China offer pretty good one and two day tours to isolated areas of the wall. They are also near Jingshan Park.

See if you can hire bicycles to cycle around the hutongs around Houhai, not necessarily with a tour group. You and a map is ok but if not sure do a tour. It's great fun

Just expect stuff to be off limits or not fully open to the public 'cos it is being renovated for the Olympics and there are no signs to warn you that half the stuff you really want to see is off limits and there is no reduction in price.

Enjoy your visit.
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