RE: Need Info for Kunming-Dali-Lijang-Shangrila
Oct 5, 2006 22:05
  • FARA
  • Points:
  • Join Date: Oct 5, 2006
  • Status: offline
Hello all,

I am new on this site, I will fly to Guang Zhou city, China or Hong Kong between November 9, 2006. I like to join a tour in either Guang Zhou or HK to visit the route of Kunming-Dali-Lijang-Shangrila, as well as Hunan province, changsha, zhang jia jia. I need the following information:
1. Any travel reputable agency in Guang Zhou or Hong Kong that anyone has joined and had good experiences? If yes, how is the monetary transact to the travel agency from USA?
2. Any descend hotel in Guang Zhou city or Hong Kong that has reasonable price -below US$50

Thank you very much.
If you can also reply to my email address, that would be great also, as I am very new to this website, and I am afraid I can't find your answer. My email is below:|farrahsip

Oct 11, 2006 02:16
  • Points:
  • Join Date: Sep 23, 2006
  • Status: Offline
First of all, take attached link to get more info on your destinations & also for hotel & flight tickets

In your case, if you are one person, you better arrange your travel on place, otherwise you need to book two different tours and you never know where you end up
1) Kunming-Dali-Lijang-Shangrila (+-1 week)
Do it by bus, there are plenty of buses making this tour as well 3 star express buses. You have the option to fly back from Shangrila (I guess you mean Zhongdian or Deqin) or first fly to Shangrila and come back with the bus.

2) Zhangjiajie - Changsha (3-4 days)
Don´t know if you want really to both destinations. I guess you are only interested in famous Zhangjiaje. Take a flight or train from Kunming. Check connection with above link.

Have been to all places. Take care of your time planning when you go by train. Don´t know how much time you planned. If possible spent more time on the first itinery

Hope it helps,
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