phone sim card
Oct 20, 2004 22:40
  • KBHJ
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My daughter has just arrived til Beijing from Denmark. She brought with her mobile phone. In Beijing she bought a new chinees sim card and got a new phonenumber, why can? we call her.
Holger Jeppesen
Oct 21, 2004 09:53
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Hi, Holger!
When come to China, you should buy a Chines sim card, because the former card that your daughter used in Denmark will not available in China, so of couse a new number will be offered, because of one card with one number.
Please don't worry, if your daughter rang back and told you her new number, you still can give her a call as what you did in Denmark^_^
Oct 21, 2004 14:31
  • KBHJ
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My daughter has bought a chinse sim card and got a new number. I can call her but I cannot send her sms- messages. Do you have anny ideas what is wrong.
Holger Jeppesen
Oct 21, 2004 15:22
Well. INternational SMS is not totally supported by the service here in China to some extent. Your daughter should go and consult the supplier if her card has the function of reciecing and sending SMS.
Jan 18, 2005 12:49
Hi Holger,

The same experience I got last december when I was in China. I bought a sim card from China Mobile. It said I could do SMS but it didn't work. I could receive SMS from Indonesia but the characters were very strange and just symbols. But I could do international calling and very cheap with my china number.
Fortunately ,I brought my Indonesian SIM card and registered it before I left my country with China Mobile. And it works only for SMS. I couldn't call from my Indonesian one. So I must have two cellphones there.One for SMS and one for calling. STRANGE !!

I just got an information that China Mobile has two types of SIM Card : 135 and 138 , 135 only for calling and the other one can do SMS.

Any idea from other friends here ?????????
Would you please inform us which one is the best to buy.
I'll be back next March.


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