RESOURCE NEEDED: Distance between cities
Sep 12, 2009 20:53
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Changzhou to Shanghai, definitely.
Sep 15, 2009 22:51
GUEST42211 what is the distance between shanghai and jiangmen how many kms can we send cargo by truck from shanghai and how many days it will take and what will be the freight cost
Sep 16, 2009 12:03
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Do you mean Jiangmen in Guangdong province, or elsewhere? That would be almost 1600 km by road.
Sep 29, 2009 09:56
GUEST16135 Can someone please estimate for me the time it takes to get from Hangzhou City and Jinhua City and what is the best way to get there?

Also, if you know of a good hotel to recommend that is affordable in Hangzhou City I would love to know.
Oct 9, 2009 19:05
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Take bus from Hangzhou South long-distance bus station, departures from 0630 to 1900, fare 72 RMB, journey time around 2h40min.
What's your definition of "affordable"? A monetary price range would be moe helpful. Also, when would you be travelling?
You might want to reply to me directly at|ellyse99 -- put "TravelChinaGuide" in the subject line.
Oct 15, 2009 13:51
GUESTDARREN Hi there, i am coming to China/ Liansheng Village, Dingqiao Town, Haining City. I fly to Shanghai international airport, then need to travel to the address in Haining City. What is the safest, cheapest and comfortable way to do this. the times of the mode of transport is also important.

Thank you, you are to kind for offering this service.
Oct 20, 2009 10:29
GUEST27947 hello what is the distance between shanghai airport and jiangsu province, specifically chengxi shipyard. thanks much...
Oct 23, 2009 01:36
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Cheapest is usually not the fastest. I would suggest that you take taxi or airport shuttle no.7 to Shanghai South long-distance bus station, then take a bus to Haining.

Which airport in Shanghai, Pudong or Hongqiao?
Oct 27, 2009 08:28

Originally Posted by GUEST25221

Kindly provide the distance between Hangzhou and Wenzhou. What mode of transportation is available: car, train, plane? and how much time is needed for each mode. Thank you.
Dec 5, 2009 15:10
GUESTKHAN what is the distance between beijing and shandong
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