Question: Guilin Hotel & how to get from Guilin to BeiHai?
Jan 11, 2007 20:25
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Hi We are looking for a nice hotel in Guilin 4 star that is not too outrageously priced. Any ideas? Also, how should we get from Guilin to BeiHai? How long are is the bus? How much does it cost? How about trains? Where is the bus station? Bus number? We leave 1/14/07, so no need to respond after that! Thanks, ER
Jan 12, 2007 01:46
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  • Status: Offline
Sorry for late response but internet access is terrible.

You can take bus or train from Guilin to Nanning. Not sure how long it takes or how easy it is to get tickets. Bus from Nanning to Beihai takes about 3 hours.

If you don;t like long bus trips then do what I do and take a bus to an interim destination during the morning and travel tthe other half in the afternon or stay overnight.

Good luck and have a good trip. I have no info on hotels but sure there will be plenty available now and a good discounts.
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