Congratulations and Request for Change
Feb 6, 2007 09:24
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I like the new setup. Congratulations to TCG.

I have 2 suggestions for minor changes.
1. After submitting a reply, we are returned to the page we were on - write the reply, wouldn't it be better to take us back to the forum it is in?
2. Could we have dates in either the Chinese format (Year month day) or in the international format (Day month year) rather than the US format (month day year) which is both illogical and used only in the US (and perhaps Canada). You wouldnt use the US miles yards and inches for distance or pounds and ounces for weight, so there seems no reason to do it for dates

Feb 6, 2007 18:57
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Paul, I can fully understand your point. I personally do not have a horse in this race, one way or the other, and don‘t care. Having said that, this is how I will frame the issue, from another perspective:

From a business perspective, I believe a lot depends on the intended market/audience of the particular corporation and/or its business web site. If the target audience of the business, as well as the largest customer/user base is, in fact, North Americans (including the huge--getting ready to retire--baby-boomer group) then the web site would be structured to conform to the comfort level of that predominant [user] group, and thus what they are used to.

I do not have any specific knowledge of TCG’s Customer Demographic or Market Demographic Analysis. However, if my guess is correct, then this might be why the TCG date format is what it is and not that of ‘ISO 8601‘, or some other derivative. We community ‘members’ must not forget that we are as a group, just a [small] cog in the much larger wheel. Corporate profit will always come first; and without the corporation being profitable, this community of members would cease to exist. But, then again, maybe I do not know what I am talking about; maybe it is not a business decision at all !!?? LOL :)

Feb 6, 2007 19:57
  • SIVA
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Dear Apual and Roger,
Thanks sincerely for your suggestions! Actually we are discussing about the date format on TCG. We will take your suggestions into consideration carefully!
Thanks again!
Any suggestions from you are greatly appreciated by Tcg!
Feb 9, 2007 09:58
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Yes Roger, but it's also time the US realised it is just a component of the world community...eventually it will have to conform to recognised international standards or it will diminish faster than it is currently doing.
Feb 10, 2007 11:41
  • GRIZ326
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The post mechanism intermittently does not work.

For instance, the Attention email notifying members of the mailbox scam.

I attempted to post on that thread. My post failed.

My migrated post about the carrying binoculars to China was missing the vote.

When I attempted to post a note there that the vote was missing from the thread, the post failed.

...and attempting to post yesterday in Travel Q&A on the Top 10 things to do...the post failed.

Another annoying bug: when you click the reply link for the thread's initiator, the page refreshes and drops you at the top of the page rather than at the bottom where the reply box is located. On short threads this is an annoyance; for long threads it is probably a significant bug.
Feb 10, 2007 11:42
  • GRIZ326
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Oh...the above post was posted on this thread, because an attempt to start a separate thread of bugs - failed.
Feb 11, 2007 13:29
  • GRIZ326
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The Reply button is now working! Thank you.

The Post New Thread feature is still not working. I am trying to post in Travel Q&A and am logged in.
Feb 11, 2007 20:05
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Dear Griz,

Thanks for your attention on this site! We're sorry for so much inconvenience brought to you by the updating of the forum format! We have reported all the problems you mentioned to our technicians! They will be solved as soon as possible!

For reply, you can choose 'Fast Reply' at the bottom or 'Reply' in line with the title of a thread!



Feb 15, 2007 11:06
  • GRIZ326
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The "Start a new thread" button now works with Firefox!

Good job...all my nittpicky things are fix!
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