Points??? Points??? What are points???
Feb 15, 2007 11:04
  • GRIZ326
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See the points next to your username? Points??? How do you get points? What are points good for? How many points does it take to win the game???

Feb 15, 2007 18:56
  • SIVA
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The rating system of TCG Community: 2 points for uploading one picture anywhere in the Community; 3 for starting a question on the forum; 2 for one reply on the forum; 8 for one chapter of a travel review and 5 for one travel tip.

The deletion of any of your threads, posts, comments, reviews or tips will cause the reduce of your points accordingly.

: )

Feb 17, 2007 09:41
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Why need this rating ?
Feb 17, 2007 16:12
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This has been discussed before, the last time, over a year ago and the overwhelming consensus was to maintain the point system.

Most forums such as this, use a point system to track a member’s participation in the particular forum. It is an incentive for enhanced member involvement in a forum/community. Forums which have tried to drop the point system, have seen member interest and involvement drop off sharply. Here, at TCG, where they are dependent on members to take the time to post their China photos, it is even more important. The point system is fun and it also demonstrates one’s seniority/dedication within the community.

Usually, more senior and [committed] members like the idea; while occasionally, a newer member to a community, does understand the need for it.

Here at TCG, the ‘game’ is over when one of us overtakes and passes member California in total points !!! LOL In that regard, I hope, for the sake of the community, that Cali’ keeps on posting and keep on racking up those points !!! I for one, want to be here when he tops 20K !!!! :)

I like the current system and I also respect all those who have high point counts and have contributed so much to the health of this great Forum !!!

Feb 18, 2007 21:48
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How you share your time to TCG? Because we feel fast life, on time. Your writing always long and elaborate.
Feb 19, 2007 02:35
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Thank you Sharif !!!

I guess I am blessed and grateful, that I can write and type very fast in my native language !! LOL :)

Also, some times, I will read a thread/post quickly before I go to work; and then later in my day, with quiet moments at work, or during my long commute, I might think about a response and write the reply in my head. So later, I already understand what I will say in my reply and then just type it out quickly.

Last, I have always enjoyed writing; I must write and review large amounts of detailed written reports and issue- papers at my work, often with deadlines, so I have a lot of practice and it just comes very easy for me.

I am always so impressed with those who are not native English speakers and writers, at how well they can communicate here !! Also, we have some native English speaking members here at TCG, who can write very eloquently, and they are frequent contributors in that regard.

I think most on this site are very intelligent and think/write very clearly. I really enjoy being able to share ideas and thoughts with individuals, such as you, from around the globe !! We may not always agree on a given subject, but we can still share our thoughts in a civil manner.

Best wishes to you, Roger :)

P.S. This entire post/response took me about 7 minutes to complete !! :) :)
Feb 19, 2007 10:45
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Thanks heartily.
Can't write more. Passing hard time.
Feb 20, 2007 13:57
  • GRIZ326
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Awwww shucks!

I was hoping I could trade in my points for hugs and kisses when I visit Guangzhou this summer.

Feb 23, 2007 10:52
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What puzzles me is how come some members have negative points?
Feb 24, 2007 01:39
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I noticed that too !!

I think it must be a computer error associated with those few member ID's ??

I know that they delete points, if a member's post is deleted. However, that should not put you into a negative range.
Feb 24, 2007 10:18
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msg box have no points. Why need msg box?
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